Sunday, January 27, 2013

10 weeks

Sleeping in crib
Grayson is not only sleeping in his room, but also in his CRIB!!! I will work on getting a picture of this! What a big boy! So far, we have learned the trick of sleeping longer stretches at night...CLUSTER FEEDING!! Cluster feeding is when the baby eats a lot in a small amount of time...G wants to this on his own, but when we do always seems he sleeps better!

Finding my hand
Grayson can find his hand now! I think he may be a thumb/finger/hand sucker. I was hoping he would just be a pacifier type of baby since it is easy to take away a pacifier and you cannot really take away a finger... He has also enjoyed shaking his rattle and eating it :)

Here are some pictures

Trying to decide which one to eat

Rattle wins!!
Baby G finding hand video
planking- planking is when people make their body completely straight on random objects. So, this is Grayson planking on Dad's hands

after a good plank

baby smiles

Grayson talking

El Paso visit
I am officially coming to El Paso! All my El Paso, Texas/NM family...hopefully I can see you! I will be in town for 2 1/2 weeks. Matt has a week of night float and really long hours in the ICU and my parents offered a trip to EP so here I come! I look forward to seeing everybody! Dates are looking like February 27- March 15th. 

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Tammy growing

Tammy growing
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