Thursday, March 21, 2013

18 weeks

Back in PDX
I will post EP pics later since there are so many :) A lot of people came to see my little man, and I am so thankful and touched that he and I are loved so much. My mom says that he must have done a lot of good in a previous life since he is so loved now. :)

It feels soo good to be back in Portland. El Paso will always have a special place in my heart because my parents live there and I grew up there, but I missed my new home and especially Matt. Grayson did pretty well on his flight back. He was not quite as good. He slept when the plane was touching down in Las Vegas and during the layover, but nothing during the first 2 hr leg. He napped like 30 mins from Las Vegas to Portland. The important note is that he did not cry and he was not really fussy. Thank goodness that I have a pretty chill baby.
Layover pic
Matt was so excited to see us. We are just as excited to see him. Here is a picture at baggage claim of baby and daddy. 

quick family pic

Grayson was so tired from not sleeping much on the plane that he slept the whole way home :) he was happy to be back in Portland as well!

Shot day- 4 month checkup
Right after we got back into town, Grayson was due for his 4 month check up. He is 16 lbs 4 oz and is in the 75th percentile for weight. 67.4 cm/26 inches which puts him in the 97th percentile for height. His head is 43.25 cm which is 75th percentile. A very healthy and happy baby. Matt took care of the last shot appt and was supposed to have the morning off so he could do these as well. His schedule was changed so he unfortunately missed it :( We got to have lunch with him after which was nice. G ended up getting a small fever a couple of hours after his shots. He was so upset and would not stop crying so we gave him some tylenol. He slept for much of the rest of the day. These are pics before his meltdown...
 before shots
 after shots being held by daddy!

 milk and shot drunk
 It was a chilly day out and he was asleep so I wanted him to be cozy and continue to sleep, so I took him out of the car and walked him around the neighborhood
 This is what continued to not worry it is a breathable blanket and his nose is not covered
sleeping on mommy after he got some tylenol...cuddles makes everything better

St. Patty's Day
Matt had the day off so we went down to the Pearl to meet my friend Taylor (her baby girl Nora) and  Kate (her baby boy Max, which is like G's twin being born only a few days after G). Breakfast was so good and so were the green mimosas!

Play group
I am part of this group that is affliated with the OHSU. I have made some great friends through this and they have play groups. Obviously, G cannot play but it is nice to get out of the house and assoicate with others. We did some kid swapping :)
This is Darab and me...he loved taking pics of himself on my phone
This is Darab's mommy with baby G she is expecting her 2nd baby this fall :) Yay
Nora is trying to decide between a cookie and cheese...she made the right decision....

this is what a little bandit looks cream cheese in her hand ...missing a shoe...
Taylor being super mom...Holding a little baby g that had pooped all over his clothes and she was holding an escaping nora...
my sweet little Nora!
This is just a random pic of G ready and happy for a walk!

 Matt is currently on clinic this week and then starts VA wards. He will be on the Wards for 3 weeks. He says that he is happy that his family is home :)

EP pics are coming soon.....

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