Saturday, November 2, 2013

50 weeks

Almost ONE!!!!

Where O Where has the time gone? My sweet newborn baby boy is going to be one in 2 weeks. I cannot believe it! The time has truly flown by. It is a bit harder to blog because I cannot use the computer when G is awake and around...because he loves it and wants to yank the screen or rip the buttons off... my poor computer

Here are a few eventful things that have happened the past few weeks....

Pumpkin Picking
We went to an awesome little pumpkin patch on Sauvie Island. They also sell Christmas trees and you can go berry, apple, peach, etc picking throughout the year (depending on what is in season). Matt had a Wednesday off and it wasn't raining so it was the perfect day to go! Here are some pictures from our adventure.



We decided on a baby pumpkin, a large pumpkin, and a Cinderella pumpkin :)

5K Run
I signed up for a 5K a few months back. I decided to use an application on my phone called couch to 5K. It was a great tool to help me get motivated to run and really push myself. I did not complete it because I started subbing a lot of Zumba jobs and did not have the time to run as much or as often as I wanted. I ended up running 2 miles without stopping (HUGE accomplishment for me since I have only ran 1 mile at most without walking). My next goal is to be a little more competitive and run the entire time :) I ran with Kate who is pictured first. Her son, Max is a week younger than G. Matt watched both babies while we ran :) I also ran with another resident's wife, a 3rd year resident, and a girl that just finished residency. I met the residents because Matt worked with both of them last year :)

This is called the Color Vibe run. You run and they throw color powder on you at certain check points. We actually through these packets on ourselves before the run hehehe!

Flashback time...Grayson and G were like 6 months here....11 months above!

Halloween Party
The organization I am a part of had a Halloween Party that I really wanted to go to but it happened to be on the same day that Matt was moonlighting and my 5K. It also was the day G decided to take a long late nap and it is at the hospital, which is a good 25 minute drive. Well I dressed up in case we could make it...but alas it was too late for Matt to join us and too close to G's bed time. Leiloni agreed to take some picture of G and I here they are :)

Halloween Zumba Style
I taught Zumba the day of Halloween so I decided to dress up as a cat. I did not want to wear my Dorothy costume and get all sweaty in it :) One girl dressed up with her daughter, but the rest of my class did not really feel like it. WE took a few before and after pictures ....people tend to trickle in late hehe...

 Halloween with Daddy
We had originally decided to go trick or treating around our house...just at a few houses for the fun of it :) Well, G decided he did not want to do that. We were able to take a few pictures when daddy got off work, but G wanted to go to bed since his bedtime is right around the time daddy got home and when it was dark. Oh well, next year we can try the trick or treating game :)

Our photographer and her assistant
Doug was digging his turkey hat so I had to snap a few pictures of him and Leiloni :)

Taylor Update
I do not get to write about Taylor as much for the simple fact she moved away a few months ago :*( I miss her terribly. We still try to keep in contact via Words with Friends, texting, and the occasional phone call :) She is working on Nora's birthday party which is princess themed....She made this castle out of now has a working drawstring door. I do not think there is anything this girl cannot make!
 Nora was also Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Can this little girl be any cuter? Yes Taylor made her dress! Told you...talented she is!!

Taylor is due with a sweet baby boy in December, so she is a jack-o-lantern. This is a picture of them before going trick or treating :)

Doug's Birthday party
Doug invited us to his 50th birthday party. G did a great job which is especially awesome since it was his bed time. He was not whiny at all. He was digging meeting all of Leiloni's friends since she was showing him off while mommy and daddy ate. Grayson had a little moose-like elk-like creature on his vest, which I dressed him in on purpose since most of Doug's friends are his hunting buddies :)  

I wanted to share these pictures but they do not fit under a category of their own.
 Grayson loves to bang pots and pans. He is playing with a cupcake tin here...
 sweet drooly smiles...Grayson not me....
 Grayson loves the fan!
 Yes, my baby is freakishly tall and is reaching the counter top

Grayson has not learned to climb up on the couch...this is a scary new update....
 A diaper cake I made and the sweet baby girl that I made it for :)

"Oh my! Did you say breakfast?"
Matt Update
Matt was on VA wards for the past 3 weeks. He is currently on Jeopardy, which means he is on call 24-7. Last year that meant he took call from home, but Monday-Friday he has to go for 1/2 days for procedures. I hope he does not get called in because he has been sick for a little over a week and has had to even call into work. I hope this illness passes soon. G was also sick, but seems to be recovering faster and better than Matt. I think it has to do with G getting more sleep than Matt ;)

VA wards were long and hard, but Matt really enjoyed the teaching aspect of it since he is in charge of two intern.

Matt is also presenting two posters in Salem, Oregon at the American College of Physicians' State meeting. He has the possibility to advance to a National ACP meeting in a competition. Wish him luck! :)
G and I decided to visit Daddy at work, since his hours were so long that he left before G woke and came home long after G was asleep :)

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