Things Grayson can now do:
Grayson not only walks or jogs...he runs!! He is constantly on the move and he likes to run when he does things naughty. Naughty things include but are not limited to turning the TV on by pressing the button and removing the vent (in Oregon, vents are on the floor?), opens dishwasher, climbs on couch, tried to unplug the safety outlets, opens the dishwasher, and throws food off his tray... He does naughty things and then runs away to the cabinets or the couches to prove he was no where near the "naughtiness" Crazy silly boo! These pictures are from the park and from hanging out at Leiloni's house.
He likes to dance still. He use to bounce up and down only. Now he makes like a stomping motion in a circle. It is hilarious. It usually during the "outside" song in bubble guppies. He also dances in public and in his crib.
Play peek-a-boo
He loves to hide under blankets and then "pop" out. He likes when we hide under blankets and then he digs us out to find us. He also enjoys when I duck behind the couch or when I am hiding behind the door.
Grayson has started to wink, especially when he is being cute while he is eating. He blinks both of us eyes and smiles while he does it, but he thinks he is winking. It is so adorable.
Getting in and out of bath tub:
Grayson use to enjoy looking over the ledge of the bathtub while standing outside. I was cleaning up the sink in his bathroom and then I look over and he had swung his leg over and was in the bathtub playing. I do not know if I should be impressed or scared.
Brush his teeth:
Grayson loves to brush his teeth...if you ask him, "Grayson, do you want to brush your teeth" he opens his mouth and says ahhhhh. It is adorable. he loves to suck on it and tries to "brush" on his own...but hey it is better than him hating it. He has his first dental appt. in February.
Grayson can say:
nana- banana
nini- good night
mama- Mommy
uhh -up
uh-o- it sounds more like a sigh but it sounds like it with inflections
Thank you- more inflections than well.....
- fingers together "more"- he does this for more and I want
- He can point but he uses his whole hand- he points to anything and everything he wants, usually used after signing more
- throws arms up for up- we are trying to get him to say up "uh" while he does happens 1/2 the time
- arms up with bent elbows which signals "all done" for all done and all gone
- Arms up and looks puzzled- I don't know...he does this and say dada when he is asking about is adorable
- points to tv and signs more and then shakes his hip "dances"- this is to signal he would like to watch his favorite show bubble guppies (super cute educational musical show)
- waves his hand in his face for "stinky" we usually have to say it first bc we smelled his dirty diaper or his feet
- waves- He can wave hello and goodbye and no longer the royal wave facing himself...
Things Grayson can do, but I do not have pictures for...
Open Doors:
Grayson can now open up the handle doors and the knob doors. I feel like he is too smart for his own good. The front door and garage door with continue to be locked at all time in addition to the childproof lock handles around the door.
Find his ears:
Grayson can find his ears, but that is all he is interested in. He really enjoys reading a book that we touch his eyes, hair, nose, and toes. But he is not interested in learning about any other body parts to identify himself besides the ears....
Plays patty cake and makes movements to Hickory Dickory Dock:
He claps his hands for patty-cake and he pats his belly and likes when the mouse runs up his head and back down...very cute!
Toy Chest fun
Grayson loves to get into his toy chest when it is empty and when it is full. He usually throws everything out and then gets in.
Sharing & Playing
Grayson is playing more and more with other kids and he is sweet. He will share things and even try feeding other babies. Grayson was feeding a little girl that was 11 months. We went to a fun little place that is kid friendly to eat lunch with another couple. Grayson loved feeding the other baby. It was adorable. We went to the park with our neighbor friends and even though he was in a grumpy mood he enjoyed running around and following Caleb, who is a year older. It is amazing the changes I know that are coming by seeing Caleb grow and develop too! I remember when I first met him, he was around G's age now. Pictures also include Grayson girlfriend, Maddie, helping him drink from my water bottle at the gym. She is also 2 1/2.
Grayson loves to eat! He mostly feeds himself and wants to feed himself. He loves pretty much anything, but loves humus, BBQ chicken, peanut butter, animal crackers, pirates booty, and fruit & veggie smoothies.
Grayson is now drinking half whole milk and 1/2 almond milk. He originally refused milk altogether. We laid off but then decided to try mixing. It has worked like a charm since. :)
We had a rough patch with some teething. He woke up a couple of times one night, due to pain and wanting to be snuggled. Man it was rough. It makes us think of when we want to have another baby. We are already so use to G sleeping 12 + hours. I do not know how we will go back to the no sleep and toddler. Luckily, we do not have to worry about that right baby right now :)
Sleeping regression?
While Grayson was teething, he was not napping well, so napping on mommy was happening again. He has 10 teeth now. Four in a row on the top, four in a row on the bottom, and 2 lower back molars. The dentist said his upper molars will be coming soon and his canines as well.
Trip to the Dentist
Grayson had a great first time visit. I am amazed at how quick a dentist can examine a little ones teeth. I am sure it is a necessity since G was crying and I am sure other kids do as well. She said his teeth look great and that we are doing everything right. We are lucky that G loves to brush his teeth.
Bath time
Grayson loves bath time. He enjoys splashing around and playing with the pouring water. We bathe him every other day due to his eczema. It is rather hard since he makes such a mess when he eats.
Tammy Update:
I am teaching 4-6 Zumba classes a week between the two gyms I teach for. It has been a crazy few weeks, but I love it. I am also getting trained in a new format. It is called R.I.P.P.E.D You should youtube it :) It is amazing! I have been wanting to teach a weight type/boot camp class.
My mom is coming up in March to watch Grayson since it is an all day training. I do not feel comfortable asking anyone that is non-family to watch Grayson because it is such a long time. The training is 8 hours and it is an hour away. I am really sad/nervous about leaving Grayson for such a long time, since I have never left him longer than a few hours when he is awake, but I know he will be in good hands with my mom.
I still think staying at home with Grayson is the best decision I have ever made. I miss teaching, but never enough to leave Grayson all day. I taught a kids Zumba class twice during Christmas break. I am not sure if I posted about that. I loved it and may look into doing that during holiday breaks to keep kids active and to keep me getting sweet hugs and smiles from kiddos.
Matt update:
Matt is finishing up a Cardiac ICU rotation and will be moving onto clinic and then infectious disease. After those rotations he will hopefully be rotating at the hospital right by our house, Kaiser, for a few months. We are looking forward to him not having such a long commute and better hours soon! Yipee!
Matt is part of a group that is developing training videos for interns to help make their transition easier from medical student to doctor (intern). It helps them setup and know how to write notes on patients and how specific rotations expect certain things.
Matt will also hear back about chief resident by the end of the month. Keep up with the positive thoughts and prayers! He will make an excellent educator and I really hope he has this opportunity.